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The Class of 2020: Bass Arts Students Head To Art School

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Julia O’Donnell, FIT, Class of 2020

Julia began taking classes at Bass Arts Studio in the spring of 2009 and spent several summers at Bass Arts Studio’s Portfolio Intensive, where she focused on figure drawing and printmaking. In addition to taking drawing classes, Julia took many sessions of painting classes where she developed her highly expressive, textural style and great color sense.

Julia was also accepted into SVA, Pratt, Parsons, Virginia Commonwealth, Tyler School of Art. She very happy at FIT where she is a graphic design major. “I chose FIT because of its location in the city, industry connections and because I felt most comfortable there”


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img_4134 John Grund, SCAD, Class of 2020

John began his work at Bass Arts Studio winter of 2013. Like Julia, he took both painting and drawing classes and spent several summers honing his skills in the Portfolio Intensive. A conceptual thinker, John has a keen eye for composition and loves experimenting with new materials.

In 2015, John won entrance into the Cooper Union Saturday Program For High School Students.

John, also gained accepted to SVA, Pratt, Parsons, RISD, MICA. In John’s words, “I chose SCAD for a number of reasons. First, their animation program is really great and they have many connections within the industry. Second, my mom works there and my parents live in Savannah so the financial toll is significantly less and I’ll have to worry much less about student loans. I didn’t want my future to be limited by debts I had from my education”. Smart thinking John!





img_4069-1Sophie Sander, Pratt, Class of 2020

Sophie Sander started at Bass Arts Studio Fall 2013 and mostly focused on drawing.

She fell in love with wet media after working in charcoal for many sessions.

Her loose and expressive drawing style combined with her vibrant color sense has resulted in a portfolio of very exciting images.

Sophie also gained acceptance into SAIC and SVA. She is loving Pratt.



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