xRegistration Form

Please select your classes by placing them in your shopping cart. Please fill out the registration form FIRST. Once this information is COMPLETE and SENT, then you may proceed to make your payment via paypal using the shopping cart checkout button on the right.

Thank you!


    Student(s) First and Last Name

    Student(s) Date of Birth/Grade

    Program(s) Selected (required)

    Parent Name

    Your Email (required)

    Address, City State Zip

    Phone (required)

    Cell Phone (required)

    Emergency Contact & phone #

    How Did You Hear About Us?

    Payment via Zelle

    -payment made via Zelle (201-341-7714)Check payable to Bass Arts Studio mailed to: 202 Park St. Montclair, NJ 07042-

    Tuition Amount Paid

    Photo Release: Bass Arts Studio DOES/DOES NOT have my permission to use photos of my child for publicity.


    I/ we the parents of the above named child do hereby give my/our approval to participation in any and all of the activities. I/We do assume all risks andhazards incidental to the conduct of the activities and transportation to and from activities; and do further hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless Bass Arts Studio and the organizers and supervisors, any or all of them. In case of injury to my/our child, I/we hereby waive all claims against theorganizers, the sponsors or any supervisors appointed by them.


    Comments & Concerns or special needs (allergies)


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