Register for Classes and Camps


    Student(s) First and Last Name

    Student(s) Date of Birth/Grade

    Program(s) Selected (required)

    Parent Name

    Your Email (required)

    Address, City State Zip

    Phone (required)

    Cell Phone (required)

    Emergency Contact & phone #

    How Did You Hear About Us?

    Payment via Zelle

    -payment made via Zelle (201-341-7714)Check payable to Bass Arts Studio mailed to: 202 Park St. Montclair, NJ 07042-

    Tuition Amount Paid

    Photo Release: Bass Arts Studio DOES/DOES NOT have my permission to use photos of my child for publicity.


    I/ we the parents of the above named child do hereby give my/our approval to participation in any and all of the activities. I/We do assume all risks andhazards incidental to the conduct of the activities and transportation to and from activities; and do further hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless Bass Arts Studio and the organizers and supervisors, any or all of them. In case of injury to my/our child, I/we hereby waive all claims against theorganizers, the sponsors or any supervisors appointed by them.


    Comments & Concerns or special needs (allergies)

    Please prove you are human by selecting the truck.