Tag: paper mache costumes

  • Bass Arts Students Create Giant Heads!

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Bass Arts Students Create Giant Heads!

    This summer, Bass Arts Students channeled The Bread and Puppet Theatre as they built their own giant heads! The students began with choosing a pop culture figure like Harry Potter,…

  • The Class of 2020: Bass Arts Students Head To Art School

    Julia O’Donnell, FIT, Class of 2020 Julia began taking classes at Bass Arts Studio in the spring of 2009 and spent several summers at Bass Arts Studio’s Portfolio Intensive, where she focused on…

  • Hannah’s Birthday Suit (Don’t Get Nervous, It’s A Costume)

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Hannah’s Birthday Suit (Don’t Get Nervous, It’s A Costume)

    Hannah, an 8 year old student in my Sculpt It class, poses in her “birthday suit”. The materials she used to create this costume were Rigid Wrap (plaster impregnated gauze cloth available at most art supply stores), and my favorite, paper mache.

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